
8 Years of Experience


Oct 2018 - Jun 2022
Numbrs Personal Finance AG

Android Engineer

Contributed to the development of mobile banking solutions and cryptocurrency wallet applications, focusing on delivering secure, user-friendly experiences in the rapidly evolving financial technology landscape

Sept 2015 - Oct 2018

Android Engineer

Gained valuable experience working alongside various teams on a broad range of projects, such as developing e-bike solutions and online dating platforms

Apr 2014 - Jun 2015
Seonid Studio

Web Developer

Creative web design studio where I've been actively involved in developing e-commerce and company presentation websites


2013 - 2016
Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca

Bachelor of Computer Science

2009 - 2013
Emanuil Gojdu National College of Oradea

Matemathics and Computer Science